First we need to set index as 2dsphere
db.places.createIndex({location: "2dsphere"})
Then provide the input to find nearby. Distance is in Meters.
location: {
$near: {
$geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [-122.4626966, 37.7694006] },
$maxDistance: 130,
$minDistance: 10
To Find withing Polygon area
Setting points of polygon
const p1 = [-122.45476, 37.77488]
const p2 = [-122.453, 37.76637]
const p3 = [-122.5104, 37.76397]
const p4 = [-122.51115, 37.77134]
Perform Query
location: {
$geoWithin: {
$geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[p1, p2, p3, p4, p1]] }